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2010 SKETCHBOOK (60 pages, black/white/tone, print run 100 copies)


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


As silly as it looks, I am actually pretty happy with the straw basket on teh guys head. After 10 inked pages I am feeling like I am getting my "inking feet" back and moving along through tha pages.

Had a great visit with Ryan who shared some of his work with me and inspired me to no end...after he left Barbara and I started pulling the kitchen floor apart. We are getting ready to install the same floor as in the living and family rooms, before you know it we will have the same flooring through-out the house (what a concept!).

1 comment:

Brian Churilla said...

Good for you guys. Nothing like working on your own home. Yeah, baskethead looks awesome. I like the twisting of the material in front of the eyes. Something I haven's seen before.